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FAQ for ShareCup@Work

What is ShareCup@Work

ShareCup @work is a simple reusable bamboo cups system. It allows Staff in your work place to access reusable cups by simply walking past the kitchen on their way to get their takeaway coffee, enjoy their coffee without the guilt of having it in single use paper cup, then once finished and whenever they pass by the kitchen again, they can return their ShareCup to be washed and used again. Very simple! 

What is ShareCup made of

ShareCup is made of bamboo fibre, corn fibre and natural resin.

The café downstairs offers recyclable cups. So why do I need ShareCup

Good point. There are many recyclable and biodegradable options in the market but the reality is recyclable cups still end up in landfill (only 7% is recycled) and biodegradable cups require high temperature and certain conditions which is unfortunately only possible in special composting centres that are not many.

Plus that’s all still single use which means producing products that we only end up using for no longer than 20 minutes then throw away.


How does it work

It’s very simple. A work place can buy ShareCups and stock them in a similar way it currently stocks other mugs and galsswares (i.e in the kitchen). then Staff can walk by the kitchen in their way to grab their takeaway coffee, get a ShareCup from the kitchen, go to their preferred cafe, enjoy their takeaway coffee then put back the used ShareCup in the kitchen or dishwasher in a similar manner to the way they treat other glassware in the company.

Your Work Place is recommended to send commuications to staff to let them know about ShareCup and promote the use of reusable cups.  ShareCup can also be used in the office like any other cup/glass.

Why should I participate in this

First and most importantly it is about doing the right thing. we are all concern about our use of plastic and how it is affecting our oceans and wild life, so first thing you get in return of participating is that 'feel good' feeling about doing your part.

Second by doing the right thing, you actually also influence your staff (no matter how big or small your company is) to also do the right thing. That's huge!

Third, not only influencing your staff but also allowing them to do the right thing easily and conveniently

Fourth, it is a perk you are offering to your staff so they no longer need to bring their own cups from home or buy another cup to keep in the office.

Fifth, it is fantastic for your image. Waste management in work places (and everywhere) is a big subject and by participating you are also creating a positive image for your brand.

How many cups should I get in my work place

It is up to you but you need to think about it like hotdesking to a level! Not everyone is in the office full time anymore and you don't expect all your staff to want to have their takeaway coffee at the same time so we recommend you to start with equivalent number to 50% of your total number of Staff then assess from there

What if I need more cups

That's great. it means your Staff are loving it. you can simply get in touch with us and we can supply you with more anytime.

Is ShareCup dishwasher safe

Yes. ShareCup can be washed in any commercial or standard dishwasher and it dries very well to allow to be stacked on shelves immediately.

How do I promote ShareCup to my Staff

Don't worry we will work with you to make sure this initiative is well communicated to your Staff. 

What about lids

For Hygienic reasons, ShareCup shareable model doesn't come with a lid. However, you can choose to buy Silicon Lids from us and distribute them to your staff as a gift so Staff get to keep their own lids. Or if that's not an option for you, Staff can either use ShareCup without a lid or buy a lid from Cafes downstairs.  Lids will come in variety of fun colours.

Do I need to let Cafes downstairs know about ShareCup

Yes, and we can help you talk to them to let them know about ShareCup and possible offer discount (completely up to the cafe) to those bringing ShareCup as an incentive to use ShareCup. We can also ask them to stack some ShareCups at their cafes in case Staff forgot to bring one from the kitchen.

Also, it is important to keep some stocks of the lids at cafes downstairs if Staff wants to buy them.

Are your Lids dishwasher safe



Love it. How do I sign up

What a legend! you are doing the right thing. simply get in touch with us via email or complete the sign up form and we will get back to you before you know it.


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